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Complaints due to electrosmog

Among other things, electrosmog can lead to sleep disorders, headaches, EEG changes, cardiac arrhythmias, dizziness, nervousness and chronic weakness. Heart attacks and cancer are also clearly associated with it. Especially the immature organism of children as well as persons with a weakened body defense system react conspicuously to this pulsed radiation. Furthermore, many studies and research results have proven the development of cell damage by cell phone radiation.

Cancer frequency

According to the research results of the physicist Del Guidice, the frequencies of 2.4 GHz used in WLAN, Bluetooth technology and, in part, SAT antennas, lead to an additional parallel frequency of -22.5 Hz being stored in the body water. This frequency, with which our organism works in the cell metabolism, has however the wrong phase position and is, according to the renowned physicist Dr. Ludwig, known as cancer frequency. It dramatically hinders metabolism. As a result of these findings, all beverages and foods that contain water are also polluted and lead to potential damage to the organism.