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Impairment of water quality

Today, our water is exposed to very strong pollution. Toxins, environmental pollution, electrosmog, radioactivity, etc., are all a serious threat to it. By technical procedures the water is brought bacterially and chemically into a usable condition, completely forgotten thereby however the extremely important energetic quality.

Clean water is not the same as healthy water. Tap water is a biologically almost dead substance. Through chlorination, fluorination and chemical purification, the natural order structures are impaired. Due to the high pressure in the kilometer-long pipes, these structures are almost completely lost. Although the official water suppliers certainly do their best within the scope of their possibilities, the information-bearing structures are pulverized and destroyed on the long way through the pipelines.

Pictorial comparison

A comparison of graphite and diamond shows us how important the respective order structures are. Chemically, they are the same. The different crystal structure alone produces completely different properties. The different order structure of liquid and crystalline water has exactly the same effect. Crystalline water is highly structured and therefore of great importance for life and health. It is now regarded as established knowledge that the ordered, structured portion in water is decisive for its biological quality.

Research at the beginning of the 20th century

During a research conducted by Dr. Georges Lakhovsky at the beginning of the 20th century, the cause of cancer was searched for. It was found that in those places where there were no cankers, there were also no water pipes and tubes. When wells were shut down and pipes were laid in the areas studied, the first cancers appeared there as well.

Tap water today

Doctors recommend drinking 2 to 3 liters of water per day to ensure optimal metabolism and detoxification of our body. However, the quality of water is crucial for this. Thus, many doctors warn against normal tap water, as this potentially promotes diseases and allergies. Water stores both positive and negative electromagnetic vibrations.

The German graduate physicist Dr. Ludwig proved by his spectroscopic measurements in chemically purified water still frequencies of existing toxins. As a result, tap water is no longer able to properly support the metabolic processes in the body. This can lead to enormous overacidification and dehydration of the organ systems. It has been scientifically proven that good, highly energized water cancels dehydration, eliminates toxins and acids, and thus activates the body's enzyme systems. (Trial Dr. Kempe)

The Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto shows with his microscopic pictures the wonderful order structure of spring water and how much certain negative vibrations can burden the water.

A deletion of negative information is therefore very important to get energetically high-quality water again.

UV treatment of water

In large cities and towns, water is more and more frequently sterilized with chlorine, UV-treatment, silver, etc. Viktor Schauberger pointed out more than 70 years ago the great disadvantages of these now common water treatments. He emphasized that this can have a drastic effect on health, since not only bacteria and viruses in the water are killed, but also the vitality and building power of the water is destroyed.

Nevertheless, UV treatment is increasingly being used as a cost-effective form of sterilization. However, recent research has shown that this severely affects the energetic state of the water. Therefore, it is highly recommended to neutralize UV-treated tap water as a precaution.

  • UV radiation neutralizer
  • pdf

Cell availability of the water

Water only serves the metabolism in an optimal way if it passes from the digestive tract, i.e. from the mucous membrane of the small intestine, the liver, the connective tissue towards the cell and is subsequently absorbed by the cell itself. However, in order for the cell membrane to be passed by the water, certain frequencies as well as structures are required. UMH-vitalized water, in addition to spring water, has these properties and is therefore beneficial to health.

"Water is life, but only when it is alive".