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Recent research and articles

Through the medically recognized Bioelectric Impedance Analysis, it could be proven in studies that UMH water leads to an optimal hydration of the extra- and intracellular area. These results have not been achieved with any other tested device so far.

Water must be able to hydrate the cell.

Spagyric studies

The crystal image analysis by Dr. Höfer also shows that the UMH treated water again has natural crystal forms.

Scientific results

Water quality tests by Dr. Kröplin Uni Stuttgart, Dr. Kohfink, Dr. Doepp, DI Pfaffenbichler, Dr. Kilibaeva  as well as simple microscope photographs of the lime composition also show impressive results

Water needs liveliness.

Test results - Photographed water crystals

Following the method developed by M. Emoto, the Atelier für KUNST und Mystic has photographed water crystals from frozen drops. They compared the appearance of mountain spring water from Hochobir, spring water from Aich before and after UV treatment and UMH-revitalized UV-treated water.

The pictures of the different water drops show impressive differences.

Das Bergquellwasser vom Hochobir weist klare Strukturen auf und auch das Quellwasser von Aich verfügt über gut ausgebildete Kristalle.

The pictures of the UV-disinfected spring water from Aich indicate an enormous structural deterioration after UV disinfection. After successful revitalization with the UMH UV radiation neutralizer and the UMH built-in unit 3/4", the pictures show again high-energy, wonderfully structured water crystals.

Article of UMH - The Institute for Water and Environmental Improvement

Key aspects for optimal drinking water

The article 'Key Aspects for Optimal Drinking Water to Pass the Cell Membrane Gate' was published by our Institute for Water and Environmental Improvement in the magazine 'Pulsar'. It describes what quality optimal drinking water must have in order to fulfill its important tasks in our body.